Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Rumsfeld Should Publicly Apologize

We were hoping it would happen. Rumsfeld quit. Resigned. Was asked to consider an early retirement. Was given the old "Heave, ho! Man overboard!" It's about damn time.

Donald Rumsfeld owes the families of nearly 3000 US servicemen and women a public and detailed apology for their deaths. He owes the maimed and wounded and shell-shocked an apology also. He needs to tell them (and us) just what the heck we're doing in Iraq. It's time for a full accounting of this woeful misadventure.

If I could, Mr. Rumsfeld, here is what you need to say:

"I am here to apologize, my fellow Americans, for taking us into an unprovoked war in a country where we had no legitimate reason to be. I lied when said Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. I lied when I said Saddam Hussein was supporting Al Qaeda. I lied when I said we were there to provide stability in the region. I lied practically every time I opened my mouth.

In truth (or at least truthiness), I wanted to play master of the universe. I wanted to see if I could manipulate and control world politics. I wanted to play Risk, but for real, with real soldiers and guns and bombs. Going to Iraq was so that I could feel good about me, pump up my ego, be the unseen hand that moves the pieces across the game board.

After the first Gulf War, I wanted more. I was unsatisfied with the outcome. I wanted to march all the way to Baghdad then, but didn't get my way. During the Clinton years, I plotted and planned, and wished and hoped that if I ever got back into a position of power I would finish what I saw as a job undone.

Then came George W. Bush. This Bush was different than his father; he could be "handled." I could handle him. The perfect cover came when he -- well, all of us -- got caught off-guard with 9/11. But it gave me cover. While ostensibly going after Osama Bin Laden, I could execute my plan to play in Iraq. There was and is no linkage to Bin Laden and the War on Terror.

I lied to all of you. I have sinned against you. I have wounded you. I have killed you. All for my own selfish motives. But worst of all, I have gotten us into a mess and I have no way of knowing how to get us out. I am so ashamed and sorry.

To the families of the dead, I apologize. These are hollow words because they cannot bring your loved ones back. To the wounded and the battle-weary, I apologize. I put you needlessly in harm's way and damaged you physically, spiritually, emtionally and more. I cannot repair your broken limbs.

I am unworthy of your sympathy, and deserving of your wrath."

1 comment:

Pawlie Kokonuts said...

W. and Rummy -- so far -- have been incapable of uttering the three hardest words in the English language: I was wrong. That would be deeper than an apology, in my view -- to admit the essential wrongness of a policy without planning, an arrogance of not listening, a power overarching.

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