Friday, October 27, 2006

Rush Limbaugh Will Say Anything

I have to say that this week we all had a chance to witness Rush Limbaugh and his dittoheads sink to an all-time new low. To accuse someone -- in this case actor Michael J. Fox -- of purposefully exaggerating his Parkinson's Disease symptoms by either faking the spasms and tremors, or by not taking his medication allow them to go untreated while he filmed a political ad in support of stem cell research, is reprehensible.

Now, although we all knew in our heart of hearts that Rush (and Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity and the rest of that gaggle) would find something stupid to say, I didn't see that one coming. I should have, given Coulter's shrill complaints regarding the 9/11 widows. The new whine from these folks is that Democrats use these "victims" of death and disease as human shields because they are supposedly immune from criticism by those dwelling in the far corners of the right wing. And when the likes of Rush or Ann or Sean merely try to make their point, those liberal Democrats attack them and bite their pointy little heads off. (Okay, I'm exaggerating: only Ann has a pointy head. Rush and Sean have Charlie Brown blockheads.)

The fact is when it comes to stem cell research of all kinds (adult-cell or embryonic) the potential to cure common diseases or disabilities is vast and unknown. We don't know exactly or completely what can be treated with stem cell therapy, when we will see results of this research, who will benefit most, or the myriad of other questions which concern us and scientists, doctors and patients. But it is valuable and viable research that must be pursued agressively.

You might not like Mr. Fox as an actor. You may not like him as a spokesperson for stem cell research. But he has the right to express his opinion, support like-minded political candidates, share his talents with or without his medications, tremor-free or shaking uncontrollably.

I admire Mr. Fox's courage to show us his illness, but more importantly, his willingness to speak for those whose bodies will not allow them to speak for themselves.

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