Sunday, October 29, 2006

Republican Party Games: When I Said... You Heard....

Everyone in the Bush Administration -- all of those who support it are playing a new party game (or is that Party game?) called "When I Said (Fill in the Blank), You Heard... This week's version ends with "stay the course."

To play with your friends, just follow along:

President Bush: When I said "Dick Cheney's gonna shave a horse," you heard "Dick Cheney said 'Stay the course.'"

Dick Cheney: When I said "Tony Snow's got a rock hard torso," you heard "Tony Snow said, 'Stay the course, even more so.'"

Tony Snow: When I said "It's hard to play golf in Scottish gorse," you heard "Karl Rove said, 'Stay the course.'"

Karl Rove: When I said "I was Woodward's secret source," you heard "Condi Rice said, 'Stay the course.'"

Condi Rice: When I said "He's pretty cute as far as Lords go," you heard "Donald Rumsfeld said, 'Stay the course, bro.'"

Donald Rumsfeld: When I said "Stay the course, I meant it. So just back off!"

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