Thursday, November 09, 2006

You Can't Cure Homosexuality

I am one who believes Ted Haggard, the minister caught in a gay-sex scandal, got what was coming to him. Haggard ministered to his fellow evangelicals by decrying gays and the gay lifestyle, abortion, and all of the other negative politics of the "moral" majority. And all the while, he was living a lie. By his own admission, Haggard spent his adulthood fighting the demons of his dark side that led him to unspecified sexual immorality -- but based on the statements of a former gay prostitute included gay sex. When you read Haggard's confession to his congregation, it is very clear that what he alludes to is a lifetime trying to deny that he is gay.

Now comes news that his fellow pastors are going to "restore" him through some kind of ritual healing -- let's call it an exorcism, for lack of a better term -- back to the "straight" and narrow. What a disservice to, and what a mistreatment of an already broken man.

Mr. Haggard is gay. I'll say it again, he is gay. And no amount of preach therapy is going to change that. He can't be scared back into the closet, nor prayed back in, or healed back in. Haggard's troubles all stem from the fact that he has spent his lifetime avoiding acknowledging his baseline sexuality. He married and had children, but as he says, fought with his dark side. You can watch him rant against gays, but in light of these revelations, you're watching him rant against himself. It is sad.

Someone near and dear to Mr. Haggard should help him find the right kind of therapy to ease his pain. And that is not one that will shame him back into the closet, but rather help him come to grips with his authentic self and his authentic sexuality. For his sake, his wife's and his children's. Because none of them will be at peace until he embraces what is his personal truth.

I don't like his politics, but I do wish him godspeed and good luck. He will need it.


DirkStar said...

Well spoken! I'm glad I decided to stop by! You write very well and I will make it a point to visit more often.

You are almost as liberal as me...

Anonymous said...

I just found you by way of Dirk_Star's blog. Yes. They love what they hate. Or vice versa. And isn't that true of the Taliban too? They hate what they love. Today, people were emailing a transcript of Bill Maher's interview on Larry King, and I was struck (I may be off a bit on the phrasing) by this characterization by Bill Maher of Republicans: "they are always trying to kill something inside them" -- and he wasn't just referring ironically to abortion . .. no, more like what you were saying. Stop by at my blog, if you like.

Lips Mahoney said...

I'm curious: would you classify his sexuality as a personal truth or as a biological truth?

The Rational Inquirer said...

Thanks, Laughorist, I will stop by. Bill Maher can be a bit flippant at times. (I have to say I flinched a bit when he called Ken Mehlman gay.) But he has a way of saying what a lot of us are thinking. And yes, there is a Taliban quality to this whole thing.

Lips Mahoney said...

I'm curious: would you classify his sexuality as a personal truth or as a biological truth?


You folks would be willing to compare republicans to the Taliban?

The Rational Inquirer said...

Lips, his truth is both. That is if you believe that homosexuality has a biological element (and I do) and a personal truth if you believe that a person's environment can shape his/her Id and Ego and Superego (and I do.)

If Haggard had been in a more nuturing environment, where he could understand his sexuality without negativity, he probably wouldn't be in the situation he is today.

Regarding the Taliban, there is something to be gleaned from a group which preaches such extreme hate, and operates with rigid dictates. In my view it is not so much the Republicans in general, but the extremely conservative evangelical movement inside the party. But ask Laughorist what he thinks, too.

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