Yep, Father Knows Best, Dubya
Check out the article at Newsweek: Father Knows Best
You know everyone goes through that recalcitrant stage growing up. We ignore sage advice, take risks that endanger ourselves and sometimes others, pay no attention to the little hairs on the back of our necks that signal we need to stop what we're doing right this minute and get the heck outta here, then realize when it's almost too, too late that we need help, but are too proud to ask for it, until dear old Dad steps in, grabs us by the scruff of the neck, and then pulls us to safety. After a stern talking to we're back in his good graces and off on another adventure.
Now it could be plot to some animated feature, but in actuality it might just be the plot that is unfolding in Houston, Crawford, Kennebunkport, and DC, with George W playing the stubborn young 'un and George HW starring as Father Fixer.
When GW ran for president the first time around, I was struck by just how many of the players from GHWB's White House showed up to help the boy, coach the boy, teach the boy. Heck, it was like old home week. But it made the little hairs on the back of my neck stand on end: Iraq. They're going back in. I had the feeling that some of these guys had unfinished business over there and that was why the came out of retirement to help GW. (Of course, now I can say I was right. But you probably had those feelings, too. Lots of us did.)
If you believe popular folklore, you know that GW hasn't been speaking to GHWB on matters of Iraq. He defers to a higher father figure. So whatever sage advice or suggestions that might have helped Dick and George's Excellent Adventure, was not welcome on the Good Ship Lollipop. But with approval ratings hovering just above "flushed away" status, somebody told GW to listen to his daddy and do what he says. Enter Robert Gates, exit Donald Rumsfeld. Enter James Baker in a limited engagement role. Brent Scowcroft has a brief walk-on part. I expect Dan Quayle may be back as GW's understudy and dialogue coach.
Okay... oh geez... now my hair is on fire.
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