Wednesday, November 01, 2006

"Sorry" always seems to be the hardest word.

Sen. John Kerry, (D. MA) just apologized for his misstatement made on Monday. Thanks, John for finally coming to your senses and realizing nobody -- and I mean nobody, nowhere -- got your joke. That was lesson one.

Lesson two -- and the more important one, the one that politicians everywhere seem to be too hard-headed to learn whether by personal experience or by example -- is fix problems right away. Nip it in the bud. Avoidance only makes your problems last longer. Had Mr. Kerry simply apologized right away this whole fiasco would have fizzled away quickly.

Now the best thing for Mr. Kerry to do is lay low until after the election. If he continues to speak out or campaign for any other Democrat he will continue to fuel this thing and do more damage to Democrats running for election. Silence until after November 7 is his penance.

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